Technology report pittcon 2020

A topic which started to emerge in the last years gained more and more focus: The cannabis industry. Legal in 33 US states, there are more than 250000 new jobs devoted to the marijuana industry. Currently, the main challenge for the cannabis production is the transition from an illegal enterprise to a legal, regulated business. In the field of analytics, there is limited equipment and methology to ensure consumer safety, product quality and process reliability. Furthermore, a higher precision of the current methods will be needed to deal with the tremendous number of different organic components per sample. A lot of research has to be done in this field to ensure consumer health and estimate potential risks. For this challenge, our Ubersphere C18 HPLC collumn can be a usefull tool for analytical laboratories.

Another upcomming topic is miniturisation of analytical devices and „lab-on-a-chip“ approaches. By creating small and complex reaction chambers and capillary networks, analytical processes can be miniaturized, and automized. This allows the usage of much smaller sample volumes, much better process reliability, higher analysis speed and reduced waste footprint. Currently, there are only limited technical devices on the market and scientific progress is mainly made with custom-made equipment. The challenge for an analytical device manufacturer is here to produce liquid handling components with very low capillary diameters and a material quality suitable for cellular biological applications. For this application, Möller Medical has various components to offer like capillary fittings free of static volume, the Möller V3 system.
